Does Everything You Eat Turn To Fat?

This Simple Chinese "Morning Ritual" Melted 51lbs of Heart-Clogging Belly Fat After Being Humiliated in the Bathroom of My Best Friend's Wedding

Based On Ingredients Featured
on CBS & NBC News

I hid in the bathroom stall shocked and it was high school all over again.

I was at a wedding with my husband and a group of his friends.

The other women in our group wanted to take a lot of pictures because they were dressed up and looked amazing.

They kept dragging me along into all of their pictures even though I didn’t want to be in them.

I’m bigger than all of them but I did my best to smile and look happy.

At one point I went into the bathroom and sat in one of the stalls for a break.

After a few minutes, three of the women walked in and started looking at some of the pictures they had taken with me.

“Oh my god, I look so skinny next to her!” 

Wow, she makes me look so skinny too.

Yeah, she is bigger than us, but damn, look at me next to her (as they all laugh)...

Maybe we can get her to take more pics with us!

I need some more good ones for Insta.

She just looks so awkward, why can’t she just be normal like us?

Have you seen her? She’s clearly struggling.

She started exercising but I don’t think it’s working at all.

Who cares, let’s go find her and take more pictures.

They Kept Gossiping About Me
As They Left the Bathroom

And I just sat there in the stall, stunned.

I was so embarrassed, my jaw almost hit the floor.

Did that really just happen?

I’m not blind, I know I don’t look good in pictures.

I hate having pictures taken of me.

I was easily 75lbs heavier than all of them.

They were beautiful, and I’m not.

Yet it was right then and there that my entire life changed.

Because I decided I wasn’t going to take it anymore, which sparked…

A Completely Unexpected & Unusual Weight Loss Journey That Uncovered a Rare Chinese Fat-Burning Secret So Controversial...

It’s never been talked about until now.

How I stumbled across it still blows my mind.

Anyone at any age can use it to drop pounds of raw, nagging fat in minutes…

Without changing your diet…

Without feeling hungry…

Without counting calories and obsessing over food.

And without any exercise at all.

Here’s the quick story.

After Being Humiliated, I Went Back
To Our Table in Complete Silence

I could see them pointing at their phones and laughing.

And I knew they were laughing at me.

I went home early without my husband and cried myself to sleep.

I was heartbroken.

It sounds so petty, but…

All I wanted to do was show them that I could be thin and pretty too.

If you have 20 pounds or more to lose
and nothing ever works for you...

Then please stick with me for the next two minutes...

As I rip the band-aid off the billion dollar weight loss industry…

And show you exactly how to “turn on” your fat-burning metabolism on command, whenever you want.

I’m sure you know someone who can eat whatever they want and never gain a pound, right?

Well, that’s because they have an extremely fast metabolism.

The problem with you and me is we don’t have that same luxury.

And unlike your TV at home, your metabolism isn’t something you can just “turn on”.

Until now.

This Simple Fat-Burning Shortcut
Has Nothing To Do With Your Diet

Eating fewer calories…

Skipping meals…

Doing more cardio…

Or going to the gym.

You don’t have to cut out carbs…

Or skip dessert…

Or give up any of your favorite foods.

In fact, I’m going to show you how you can
eat all your favorite sweets and treats...

Like double fudge chocolate ice cream

Brownies caked in frosting with powdered sugar on top…

Pancakes, waffles, french toast drenched in syrup…

And comfort food favorites like bread, mac-n-cheese and french fries

100% guilt-free.

So if you hate looking in the mirror…

If you feel self-conscious whenever you leave your house…

And no one takes the time to understand what you’re going through, they just call you lazy and think you eat all day long…

Just know it’s not your fault.

Your body is different, just like mine.

Going on another diet isn’t going to work.

Something much deeper is at play.

And I thank my lucky stars I stumbled on it when I was at rock bottom.

By the Way, My Name Is Rachel

I’m a 43 year old mother of three who’s struggled with my weight for my entire life.

As embarrassing as this story is to share…

God gave me the courage because what happened next was completely unexpected…

And led to the dramatic discovery of a Chinese morning ritual that not only changed my life…

But the lives of over 20,128 women and men across the world.

A morning ritual so controversial, it eliminates the root cause of stubborn belly fat, a slow metabolism and defies the aging process.

I Could Barely Get Out of Bed the Next Morning After Being Humiliated at My Friend’s Wedding

I was so embarrassed and felt completely alone.

I knew I had put on some weight over the years…

But I never thought it was that bad…

Until my friends started posting the wedding pictures on social media and I was terrified.

There I was sticking out like a sore thumb and I could hear them laughing all over again.

My husband tried to comfort me.

We had three kids after all.

Three human lives have come out of my body.

I didn’t expect it to “bounce back” right away.

But it had been years and my belly still looked like I was eating for two.

Sure, I’ve tried dozens of diets…

From low-carb, to keto, to no-carb…

I even tried fasting, the Mediterranean Diet, and cutting out all fast food.

The story was always the same.

I’d lose a few pounds in the beginning…

But not much after that.

The Fat Hanging Off My Belly & Sagging Under My Arms Isn’t Even the Worse Part

It’s the constant cravings that never go away.

It’s waking up in the middle of the night starving…

…while trying to convince myself to just go back to sleep.

It’s the looks you get when you’re out at a restaurant…

Or from the other parents at your kids’ school.

The second-looks, the glances, where you just know they think less of you because you can’t keep your own weight under control.

They just think you’re just fat, lazy and sloppy.

Not to mention feeling exhausted all the time…

No energy to do anything…

And walking up a few flights of stairs feels like you're climbing a mountain.

The worst part is how my ankles and knees constantly ache all day long and swell up.

Like they’re being crushed under my own weight.

Or how your thighs rub together when you walk.

As hard as it was to get out of bed that morning…

I Knew Something Had To Change & It Came From the Most Unexpected Place

All I wanted to do was look amazing…

So I could get my revenge and throw it in all their faces.

The problem was…

I had no idea where to start.

I was done with diets.

If the first 10 didn’t work, why would the next one?

And I didn’t feel comfortable going to a gym.

All those people there are so judgy…

They feel like they’re better than you.

And you can feel them sizing you up the minute you walk in.

So I started going for walks and working out at home.

Every morning I’d bust my butt in front of my TV…

Following along with another home workout that promised it would “blast away your belly fat”...

I drank a ton of water…

And started cooking healthy meals at home.

After the first week, I lost 4lbs!

I was ecstatic because it felt like something was actually working.

Then it all came crashing down.

I worked out even harder the next week and somehow gained a pound.

Then my weight didn’t budge for another two weeks after that.

I worked out harder, ate cleaner, did more walking…

I was pushing myself like I never had before and it just wasn’t working.

On the verge of giving up, I saw a video on my social media from a doctor in North Carolina.

He wasn’t sugar-coating anything.

In fact, he was laying out step-by-step why most people can’t lose their belly fat.

I was instantly hooked because he was talking about things I had never heard of before.

And I started taking notes like crazy.

Why You Can’t Lose Belly Fat

For women, the clock starts ticking around age 42 when you reach peri-menopause…

And eventually menopause and post-menopause…

Where excessive estrogen turns more calories into fat.

At this stage of your life… 

Your body shifts into more of a fat-storing environment…

And shuttles more calories and fat into your fat cells as your ovaries decline in production.

You see…

Your hormones are primarily made out of fat…

And when your hormones decline with age…

Your body wants to hang on to every last ounce of fat possible.

That’s why losing weight can be such a struggle as you get older.

What Worked In the Past
Isn’t Going to Work For You Now

For men, it’s the same thing with different hormones.

As men age, they have higher aromatase activity.

Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen…

Which leads to an increase in body fat…

A decrease in lean muscle…

And loss of libido.

However, for women and men, it’s the same thing…

Your hormones are changing
behind the scenes without you knowing.

And suddenly eating the same diet or doing the same exercise is no longer effective.

Your body adapts…

Your hormones change…

You start storing more fat because your body senses you’re getting older…

And your hormones need fat to thrive.

It’s Like Somebody Changed The Rules In the Middle of the Game Without Telling You

It’s why it’s so easy to gain weight as you get older.

You start to think something’s wrong with you…

Because everything you try fails miserably.



More veggies…

High protein…




You name it, I’m sure you’ve tried it because it’s not like you’re lazy…

Yet the results never come.

And your local doctor isn’t going to tell you any of this…

Because when you go in for a checkup…

They only have a few minutes to spend with you.

It’s a numbers game.

The more patients they see, the more money they make.

And so they don’t take the time to go into this much detail.

Your Hormones Are Constantly Shifting With Age So Your Strategy Has To Shift Too

Luckily You Can Do This In Less Than 2-Minutes

I remember going to the gym and seeing the same people on the treadmill day after day.

A few months go by and they don’t look any different…

Yet they’re putting in all this hard work.

You can’t just do the same thing over and over again and expect it to work.

Your body and your hormones are constantly changing and so if the weight isn’t coming off…

…then you need to try something new.

It was past midnight & I was still taking pages of notes.

While I was starting to understand what the problem was…

And why the same diets and exercises stopped working for me a long time ago…

I still didn’t know how to fix it.

That’s When the Doctor Dropped
a Bombshell That Changed Everything

A secret that allows you to “crank up” your fat-burning metabolism whenever you want.

I quickly discovered this new breakthrough in scientific research…

Is the key to turning on your metabolism whenever you want…

In a matter of seconds…

And it works no matter what your diet is…

How little you exercise…

Or how old you are.

It’s all based on human biology.

And the Secret Starts with a Overlooked “Mini Organ”
In Your Body That Targets Belly Fat

The doctor referred to them as your “metabolic fat burners”

But the scientific name for these tiny cell organelles (miniature organs within your cells) are your mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the “energy power station” of your cells [3].

And are vital to your survival.

But when it comes to burning belly fat…

Most people don’t know how extremely powerful they are.

And it’s probably why you’re struggling to lose any significant amount of weight.

Your Mitochondria Are Responsible For the Metabolism Of Your Entire Body [1]

That means the more mitochondria your body has…

And the better that they function…

The more fat you’ll be burning at rest[2].

Fat you will be burning when you’re eating, sleeping, driving, even while you zone out and watch TV.

This is extremely important, because…

Your metabolism is responsible for 90% of the calories you burn on a daily basis.

Which means…

If You’re Cursed With a Slow Metabolism
It’s Going To Be an Uphill Battle to
Lose Weight for the Rest of Your Life

It’s also why some people can eat whatever they want and never gain a pound.

They have fast metabolisms.

You and I don’t.

Otherwise you wouldn’t be here right now.

You’d be off eating cheeseburgers and looking fabulous, flaunting your body around the beach.

The good news is…

By Simply Increasing the Number of “Functioning Mitochondria” In Your Body
Your Metabolism Skyrockets

You can burn more belly fat whether you’re 40 years old or 85 years young…

You’ll have more energy to play with your kids and grandkids…

Check off everything on your to-do list day in and day out…

And get around to all those house projects that always seemed to get pushed off “until tomorrow”.

The extra flab hanging off your arms, covering your thighs and suffocating your heart will start to melt off…

As your confidence increases day by day…

Finally, you start living the life you were meant to live… 

…before all the extra weight, self-doubt and constant fatigue started to slow you down.

This Is The Missing Piece That Has
Kept You Stuck For So Long

When you’ve wanted to lose weight in the past…

What did you do?

Maybe you tried “eating healthier”...

Maybe you added more veggies to your meals…

Maybe you even went on a diet for a few days.

You try cutting out sugar…

And eating fewer desserts.

However, none of these things increase the number of effective mitochondria in your body.

It’s like trying to make a bonfire with a couple tiny, measly sticks.

It’s going to take forever and the end result is completely unsatisfying.

Yet when you add more wood…

The fire gets WAY bigger…

It can burn all night long.

And That’s What Happens When You
Increase the Number of “Effective Mitochondria” in Your Body

It’s like building a bonfire with a pile full of wood instead of a couple measly sticks.

Your metabolism starts burning faster…


And it starts burning up fat from all your trouble spots…

Like your belly, arms, hips and thighs…

Because it suddenly has the power to reach those areas.

Going on another diet or skipping a few meals simply can’t do this for you.

And it’s why so many struggle to lose weight.

Most People Over 45 Are Cursed With “Ineffective Mitochondria”

And It’s Why You’re Not Burning Any Fat

Effective mitochondria means that the more mitochondria your body has…

And the better that they function…

The more fat you will burn throughout the day. 

Ineffective mitochondria don’t burn calories and slow down your metabolism[5].

Look, it’s not your fault.

Everyone talks about changing your diet…

Exercising more…

Avoiding “fatty” foods…

And yet no one talks about your mitochondria…

Which basically controls your metabolism as you get older.

That’s why so many people end up exhausted, frustrated and stuck…

You’re Expecting Your Body to Burn Fat With 
“Old and Overworked” Mitochondria

I don’t know about you…

But I like working smarter and not harder.

Your life is busy enough already.

And trying to keep up with going to the gym…

Spending hours in the kitchen prepping “healthy” meals…

Getting your steps in… 

And having the willpower to say no to dessert every night is nearly impossible.

I know I couldn’t do it.

Instead, you can have your own army of helpers take the load off your plate…

So you can enjoy your life…

Spend more time with your family and friends…

Without being stressed about your weight and how you look…

Because your “army” is working behind the scenes…

Burning off all the fat for you…

Day by day…

Week by week…

Month by month…

And year by year…

Until you get to the exact weight you want to be at.

This Can Double or Even TRIPLE
Your Mitochondria So You Automatically
Burn More Fat Every Day 

At this point I hope you understand how important mitochondria are not only in burning fat…

But making sure you have the energy to live the life YOU want to live.

Where you’re never scared to go to the doctor because you know you have a clean bill of health…

Where you feel like you’re on top of the world…

You can handle anything that comes your way…

And you just feel amazing every morning when you wake up…

Excited for another day.

However, you’re probably wondering what actually increases mitochondrial biogenesis…

Which is the scientific term for increasing the number of mitochondria in your body.

It turns out…

There’s one plant extract that’s more powerful than anything else…

When it comes to increasing your mitochondria so you burn more belly fat.

This “Chinese Plant” Burns Belly Fat

Listening to the doctor talk about how simple it can be to start burning fat got me really excited.

For the first time, it felt like losing weight might not be this huge struggle we all make it out to be.

When it comes to increasing your mitochondria…

He talked about this little-known Chinese plant called berberine.

Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be extracted from several different plants[3].

It’s been tested in hundreds of different studies...

And it has a long history of being used in traditional Chinese medicine…

But the benefits go much deeper than that.

In a study published in the journal Diabetes, it states…

“Berberine reduced body weight and caused a
significant improvement in glucose tolerance
without altering food intake.”

That basically means folks experienced faster weight loss without completely changing their diet…

And using berberine helped their body process sugar in a different way…

So they were able to eat sugar and sugar-filled foods while still losing fat.

That’s key because if something works without you
having to completely overhaul your diet…

You’re much more likely to stick with it.

Berberine also helps [9, 10]:

In a study of 37 women and men…

The participants took 300 mg. of berberine 3 times a day…

As a result, they dropped their body mass index (BMI) levels from 31.5 to 27.4.

Which Means They Lost Between 25 to 45 Pounds Just By Adding This “Chinese Plant” To 

Their Daily Routine

They also lost a significant amount of belly fat…

And their waists got much smaller.

They also saw an improvement in fat-regulating hormones.

Which means they didn’t suffer from rebound weight gain.

Now Here’s Where Things Get Really Crazy

Berberine also helps increase your body temperature [6].

You see, the more energy your body produces at rest…

The more heat that is released…

The more calories you burn…

And the higher your metabolism is.

That’s how you get your body burning more calories and fat… 

…without exercising and doing any hardcore workout that kils your joints and ruins your knees.

When Your Body is Simply Burning More Calories as You Go Throughout Your Day…

Your belly fat starts to disappear…

Your thighs start getting a little bit slimmer by the day…

Your face thins out…

Your jiggly arm fat starts melting off…

And before you know it…

You're 20lbs lighter…

Even though you haven’t been exercising or suffering on some new crash diet.

That’s why berberine is the best kept weight loss secret in decades.

Barely Anyone Knows About This New Discovery

And yet there’s so much scientific proof that it works incredibly well at burning off pure fat…

No matter your age…

If you’re a woman or a man…

No matter your physical condition…

And it doesn’t matter how many diets you’ve tried and “failed” on.

There is no failure because all of your experiences up to this point have brought you here…

To get the answer you’ve finally been looking for.

Something that works like crazy when nothing else has for you in the past.

This One Small Tweak Can Have You Down 25 Pounds or More in a Matter of Weeks

As the doctor went through all this new information, I felt like he was talking directly to me.

It’s like my eyes were opening for the first time…

And I could finally see a way out from being trapped and suffocated by my fat.

I’ve felt like it’s been holding me hostage for years, and…

I was ready to finally break free, however…

Here’s the Trick That Most People Miss

Listen, as powerful as berberine is…

It still needs some help.

It can’t do all the work on its own.

The next mineral he revealed was chromium.

Chromium is known as the “belly melting mineral”, because…

It Helps Boost Fat-Burn By
A Whopping 950%

Chromium is really powerful because it loosens up the walls of your fat cells…

So fat can easily be burned off for energy.

When you do not get enough chromium…

Your fat stays locked in your fat cells and sugar builds up in your bloodstream.

Which fuels cravings, constant hunger and weight gain.

That’s Why So Many People
Struggle With Belly Fat

If you’re not getting enough chromium…

You could do hours of cardio every single day…

You could eat nothing but veggies and lean protein…

You could even fast for hours and cut out all carbs…

And you’d still struggle to lose 5 pounds.

It’s like trying to break down a front door that’s deadbolted shut.

You can try as hard as you want but it’s just not going to happen.

It’s the same thing with losing body fat.

You can push and sacrifice and struggle until you’re blue in the face…

But if your fat is locked in your fat cells…

Nothing you do is going to get it out of there.

Yet if you have the key, the deadbolted front door will open right up.

It takes two seconds and there’s no effort involved.

It’s the Same Thing With Your Body Fat

If you have the key to “unlock” the door to your fat cells…

The fat will come right out.

You don’t have to struggle.

You just naturally burn it off as you go about your day.

Like your car burning up gas when you go to the grocery store…

Or when you drive to work…

Or when you drive somewhere fancy to go out to dinner.

The gas just naturally gets burned up because that’s how it works.

It’s the same thing with fat in your fat cells.

Most people are running like hamsters on a wheel just trying to burn off a few measly pounds…

But when you go about it the smart way instead of the hard way…

It’s easy…

It’s effortless…

You hear these stories about people losing 20 pounds in a month…

Or 100 pounds in a year…

They didn’t instantly start hating pizza and become marathon runners.

They started working smarter after finding something that works that most people don’t know about.

The Last Ingredient He Mentioned
was Cinnamon Bark

Which I assumed was just regular cinnamon.

But it’s completely different.

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry…

Cinnamon Bark Helps STOP Your Cells
From Being Filled With Fat

And in the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Scientists report that this type of cinnamon reduces the accumulation of white fat[5].

White fat is the type of fat that “pads” your body.

It’s basically a fancy name for belly fat.

Just imagine waking up every morning and seeing a flatter, more firm belly in the mirror…

With every day that goes by…

…you burn a bit more belly fat without really having to do anything.

You let science and your body do all the hard work…

Which is the way it’s supposed to be.

Your body doesn’t want to carry about 20, 40, even 60 or more extra pounds.

And if you simply give it a few of the nutrients it needs…

Your body will do all the hard work for you… 

And it will simply “let go” of all your extra fat.

Most People Think You Need To Suffer, Sacrifice, and “Diet Down” Even Harder
Just To Lose Weight

And you end up missing the simple and easy answer that’s right underneath your nose.

So you have to ask yourself a question.

Do you want it to be hard?

Or do you want it to be easy?

As crazy as it sounds…

Some people are so stuck in their ways and routines…

…that they simply won’t change no matter what.

However, since you made it this far…

I know that’s not you.

I know you WANT to change.

Just like me.

I was so sick and tired of carrying around all this
belly fat that I HAD to do something different

I couldn’t live feeling trapped in my body for another minute.

It was time for me to break free.

At this point, it was past midnight.

I had somehow been watching this doctor’s presentation for almost two hours.

So with a notebook full of notes…

I went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up an hour before my alarm…

Because I was so excited about everything I learned the night before.

There Was Just One Problem

After learning all about these Chinese plants and herbs…

I had no idea how to actually get them.

It’s not like I could just walk down to the grocery store and find them next to the eggs and milk.

So I reached out to my friend Matt.

He used to train me a while back when I was trying to get into shape…

And he was the smartest person I knew when it came to nutrition and losing weight.

After going through all my notes with him…

A huge smile spread across his face.

It turns out, he had heard about berberine, however…

Whenever he used it with his personal clients, it never made a difference.

He thought it was just another fad.

It turns out…

The Missing Piece Was Combining It
With Chromium, Cinnamon Bark, and
a Few Other Chinese Nutrients

To make a powerful fat-burning “nutrient mix” that could jumpstart even the slowest metabolisms.

From there, everything happened so fast it was like a whirlwind.

He started talking to suppliers, manufacturers and third party vendors…

But barely any of them had all the ingredients we were looking for.

And if they did, they were cheap knockoffs that we weren’t going to waste our time on.

I’ve wasted years on quick fixes that never worked…

So this time, everything had to be the highest quality possible.

Pure, organic and PROVEN to burn belly fat.

Once we finally found a supplier…

It took months to get the formula just right.

And after 10 months, Matt finally got the first test batch in capsule form.

That way you could just swallow it and move on with your day.

No messy powders, no mixing and stirring…

Just take it with some water and get back to your life.

When the First Batch Came In
I Rushed Over To Test It Out

At this point I had put on another 17lbs…

And I was DESPERATE to get the weight off.

It was holding me down for way too long and enough was enough.

I ripped open the box as fast as I could…

Took a few capsules with some water…

And then stayed to chat with Matt for a while.

On my way home, I could feel something happening.

It’s hard to explain, but it was this warm feeling that got me really excited.

The Next Morning, I Woke An Hour Before
My Alarm & Stepped on the Scale

I definitely felt lighter…

Like I shed some water weight and maybe even some inflammation in my tummy…

But that could have all been in my head.

However, when I stepped on the scale for the first time…

I was down 1.1 pounds.

It wasn’t much, but considering over the past two years I had gained over 50lbs…

It was a step in the right direction.

For the next week, I didn’t change my diet.

I don’t like depriving myself or making certain foods “off limits”.

All I did was have my morning capsule…

And since I had a lot of weight to lose…

I would have another one about an hour before bed.

It killed my cravings and I didn’t want to snack at night…

Which was always a huge problem for me.

After 10 Days I Was Down 12.4 Pounds

It’s like no matter what I ate, my body was burning through the fat like crazy.

My friend at work noticed my face looked thinner…

When I put my pants on, I could fit my entire thumb between my stomach and the waist of the jeans.

Even my 20-something mailman started chatting me up when I was coming out to bring in a package.

It’s like all these people started taking an interest in me when I was invisible as a ghost before.

Every Week More Fat Was Falling Off

Until I got down below 140lbs for the first time since I was in high school.

I felt incredible.

My energy came roaring back and I was crossing off house projects that had been lingering for years.

My sex drive was higher than ever…

And I was getting compliments everywhere I went.

My hairstylist nearly dropped her shears when I walked in over 60lbs lighter than the last time she saw me.

And the teller at my bank did a double take when I showed him my I.D.

Because I didn’t look anything like that woman in the picture anymore.

My Confidence Was Through the Roof

And best of all, I left Matt stunned.

Back when he trained me, I could barely make it through a 20 minute workout.

I complained…

I quit dozens of times…

And I never lost any weight.

He couldn’t believe how amazing I looked.

That’s when we knew we were on to something big.

So Matt ordered a few more test batches…

And started using it with all his personal clients…

Along with friends and family who had no interest in exercising.

We Had To Make Sure It Worked For People Who Refused To Change Their Diet or Start Exercising

Because so many people are understandably resistant to those types of big changes.

Barely anyone wants to exercise…

Most people don’t want to eat salads for lunch every day…

You’re busy…

You don’t have time to prep healthy meals for an hour every night before dinner.

You have kids, grandkids, a life, hobbies, responsibilities…

You shouldn’t have to completely change your life just to lose some weight and become healthier.

It has to be simple and easy otherwise no one is going to do it.

That’s not an excuse, it’s reality.

I Knew If We Had Something that
Works Even If You Didn’t Change a
Single Thing About Your Life…

Then at least we could do our part in making the world a healthier place.

After Matt and I started handing out the test samples…

Our phones started ringing off the hook.

I was getting text, pictures and messages from people all over town…

Who were losing 1, 2, even 4 pounds the first day.

I tried not to get too excited because one day doesn’t mean much.

Instead, I encouraged them to keep going.

After our two-week test batch ran out…

Folks in Their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s Had Lost Anywhere From 8 to 21 Pounds

They looked vibrant


Smiling from ear to ear.

They had more life in them…

They were excited

Not just about the weight loss…

But how amazing they felt…

How their joints were aching less because they weren’t carrying around as much weight.

The women raved about their skin clearing up…

And looking more youthful.

Their stomach’s were flatter and more firm to the touch…

And You Could See How Much Their Body’s Were Changing in Just a Few Short Weeks

These were secretaries…

Bank tellers…


Dental assistants…


Hair stylists…

None of them had any background in health or nutrition, and yet…

They were dropping weight like crazy.

That’s When I Knew If
It Could Work For Them…

It could work for anyone.

And now it was our duty to get this into the hands of as many people as possible.

We nicknamed it CarboFix.

The all natural “nutrient mix” that rapidly increases your metabolism so you burn more fat no matter how old you are…

Or how much weight you have to lose.

Let Me Be Honest With You

If you want to start losing pounds fast…

If you want your jeans to slide off your hips…

If you want to get rid of the nagging fat on the back of your arms…

Around your belly…

And the stubborn fat stuck to your thighs…

CarboFix is your answer.

It's the only all-natural 6-ingredient blend in the world that helps activate your fat-burning mitochondria… target unexplained weight gain, excess belly fat and uncontrollable hunger.

Now you can finally indulge in your favorite carbs guilt-free…

Knowing they won't be stored as fat.

It's the only formula in the world that combines:

  1. Berberine

  2. True cinnamon

  3. Alpha lipoic acid

  4. Chromium

  5. Benfotiamine

  6. Naringin

There are no hidden sugars…

And there are no dangerous chemicals.

It's just 100% pure plant extracts that I've described in detail here today…

All backed by the latest cutting edge research to get you on track for the healthy body you deserve.

This Is the Missing Link To
Why You’ve Struggled For So Long

You don’t need to go on another diet.

You don’t need to join a gym.

And you don’t need to skip meals or count calories…

Because none of those things address the root source of your belly fat…

Which is that…

“Ineffective Mitochondria” Do NOT
Burn Calories Which Is Why Your
Fat Stays Stuck On Your Body

If you’re cursed with a slow metabolism, now you know what’s going on behind the scenes.

Which is actually GREAT news, because…

Now all you have to do is focus on this ONE thing.

That’s it.

You don’t need to worry about which diet to go on…

Or suffer through hours of cardio or high intensity exercise…

You don’t need to stress about every single piece of food that passes your lips.

Instead, you just focus on repairing your mitochondria…

Which you can do in less than 10 seconds first thing in the morning…

With this brand new “nutrient mix”...

And let it do all the hard work for you.

I’m sure you’ve heard people tell you to work smarter and not harder, right?

This is your chance.

You can listen to everyone else and waste your life away at the gym…

Or never enjoy another meal again because you’re eating like a bird…

Or you can work smarter and let your body do
what it was designed to do, which is…

Burn off extra fat that you no longer need.

And it will do that when your mitochondria is firing on all cylinders…

…by getting the right mix of nutrients your body needs for effortless fat loss.

At this point you’ve heard my story.

You’ve heard about how humiliated I was by my so-called “friends”...

Who laughed at me and made fun of me in the bathroom of our good friend’s wedding.

And how I finally turned things around…

Losing more weight in a matter of months than I had lost in the past 30 years combined.

So let me ask you a question.

When You Look in the Mirror a
Month From Now What Will You See?

Be honest with yourself.

Don’t sugarcoat it.

Because if you really want things to change…

Then you have to take the first step.

If you do nothing and leave this page…

…then I fear nothing will ever change for you.

With every day that goes by you’re losing precious time.

Time that you can never get back.

I was unhappy and miserable for years…

And I wished I would have found something like this sooner.

Things would be so different.

If you’re in the same place that I used to be…

Just know that it doesn’t have to stay that way.

I’m Not Some Instagram Model or Personal Trainer Who’s Been Thin and Fit My Entire Life

I was overweight for most of my life.

I hated going out in public…

Especially to restaurants because I always thought people were judging me on how much I would eat.

I didn’t go to many parties…

And to be honest, I didn’t have a lot of friends.

I always kept to myself because I thought everyone was judging me…

And I felt so alone.

Just know that I’m here for you right now.

I’m here to help.

I’m here for support.

So you don’t have to do this alone.

But you have to take the first step because that’s one thing that I can’t do for you.

To Help You Get Started

I Set Aside 6 Bottles For You At Our Biggest Discount Ever

You see, we went through our initial 5,000 bottle test batch in less than 24 hours.

Once the word spread online…

Our site nearly crashed.

And once people realized how fast the bottles were going…

They started ordering six or more bottles at a time.

That way they can start burning fat right away…

And keep burning fat for the next six months straight.

It sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense.

Especially since there's so much research proving the fat-burning benefits of having strong, highly functional mitochondria.

And how it can rapidly increase your metabolism even if yours has been slow for years.

When the first few pounds start coming off…

You'll feel more motivated than ever…

And you'll want it to keep going.

However, since so many people are ordering six bottles at a time…

We’re Always At Risk of Running Out Of Stock

Especially since I’m not some rich venture capitalist who has tons of money to spend on inventory, shipping and production costs.

I’m just a woman who struggled with my weight for years…

I don’t have deep pockets or rich investors to fall back on.

Which is why keeping inventory on hand has been one of our biggest challenges.

Especially with the pandemic and all the after-effects…

…that have delayed shipments and production for months at a time.

So when we do run out…

You have to wait 3-4 months on average…

Because we refuse to cut corners.

You Get Only the Cleanest, Most Pure Plant Extracts In Every Single Bottle

Each bottle of CarboFix is:

  1. Manufactured in a CGMP facility approved of by the FDA

  2. Clinically validated by research-based doses

  3. Third party tested for quality assurance

  4. Manufactured using a unique "clean filtering" process to preserve the nutrients in each dose so they never become contaminated

  5. Made with 100% pure plant extracts

This process is critical for producing the best plant extract on the market today...

And that takes time and resources.

Because we're not willing to cut corners…

Or compromise on quality…

We can only produce a certain number of bottles at a time.

The Longer You Use This Chinese Fat-Burning Ritual The More Weight You Lose

The more fat melts off your belly…

The more flab from the back of your arms you lose…

The more energetic you feel…

So you start living life and don’t let it pass you by anymore.

And the faster your metabolism becomes.

Which is why so many people started ordering six bottles at a time.

So they can stock up…

Keep burning fat for six months straight…

And keep some in their purse, medicine cabinet, bathroom, even at work and in the car…

Or give some to their friends when they ask you what your new secret is.

If You Want To Get the Absolute
Fastest Results Possible

Start with one capsule first thing in the morning.

That way your body starts burning fat in the morning before you eat anything.

And if you're going to have a higher-carb breakfast like pancakes or waffles…

Or maybe some pizza or spaghetti for dinner…

You'll give the plant extracts plenty of time to work their magic.

If You Want To DOUBLE Your Results

Have another capsule during the afternoon and before bed…

So your mitochondria can keep burning fat while you’re asleep.

That’s how you wake up a pound or two lighter the next morning.

And when you keep doing that for a week, two weeks, even just three weeks in a row…

Those pounds add up and suddenly you’re 20 pounds slimmer…

You feel incredible…

And your spouse can’t keep their hands off of you.

The more you take the faster it works…

Now, don't go overboard…

You don't need to take 20 a day.

But start taking them first thing in the morning and before bed..

For at least 30 days.

You’ll be shocked at the results.

How To Lose Your Belly Fat in the Next 30 Days

No matter how many bottles you choose…

Your shipment will be on its way as soon as you place your order.

Depending on where you live, it usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive.

When the package gets dropped off at your door…

I'm sure you'll want to rip it open and try some right away.

So go ahead and take one with a glass of water.

Then do the same thing at night before dinner…

And the next morning.

Most people notice a difference within the first 18 hours.

Your hunger before bed will start to fade away…

You'll be satisfied after dinner without having to go back for seconds…

You won't be starving from the minute you wake up…

And while you can definitely still enjoy your sweets and treats…

You won't feel like they're controlling you.

After the First Month…

People will start noticing that there’s something “different” about you…

Your belly will start to flatten out…

Your face will start getting thinner…

And your thighs will get slimmer.

After two months, friends you haven’t seen in a while will barely recognize you.

You’ll notice more people smiling at you when you walk down the street.

And you’ll start shopping for more cute, stylish clothes…

Because now they fit your new trim and toned body.

After six months you’ll look like a completely different person.

Some of your closest friends will probably think you got work done…

Because you look so much younger and youthful than you have in decades.

Look, the First 30 Days Go By Quick

And continuing to use it for three months gives you the momentum you need…

To help reverse years of damage to your metabolism.

And when you commit for a full 6 months…

Something special happens.

You have control over your appetite…

Your body is firing on all cylinders…

Your cravings fade away and don't control you anymore…

Your stomach flattens out...

You feel better than you have in months…

Because your body and your metabolism are finally running like they're supposed to.


You Save BIG On Our Exclusive 6 Bottle Bundle

When you get a single bottle of CarboFix, it's only $49 a bottle…

Which is already a $50 savings.

And because our multiple bottle packages are our best sellers…

We set it up so that the more you buy, the more you save.

Because as a new small business owner…

I want you to save as much money as possible…

In hopes that you'll tell your friends if, and ONLY if, CarboFix works wonders for you.

That's why, if you choose the 6 bottle discounted package…

You'll pay just $34 a bottle.

Plus, we worked out a deal with our supplier...

So you'll get a big "new customer" discount on a three-month supply as well.

The savings aren't as big as the six-bottle discount…

But they're still significant.

And don't worry…

Whatever package you choose…

You will not be billed again unless you make another order.

I hate companies that keep sending you bottles when you didn't order them.

But you have to act fast…

Because our supply is running low.

And I can guarantee these discounts will not be available forever.

Claim Your Discounted 6 Bottle Bundle Below

Or whichever option works best for you.







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Once you complete your order...

It will arrive at your doorstep within just a few short days.

You'll also receive an email confirmation from us…

Along with information on how to get in contact with our support team…

...just in case you have any questions or want to track your order.

We're not one of those companies that runs and hides after you make a purchase.

We're here to help you every step of the way.

Try Out CarboFix for FREE

I don't know about you, but I hate paying for something that doesn't work.

And it's even worse when you have to spend hours on the phone…

Jumping through hoops…

Just to get your money back.

That's why, when you try CarboFix today…

And you start using it in the morning before breakfast...

And again before dinner...

And any time you'd like in between...

If you aren't absolutely thrilled with your results...

Then you pay nothing.

If for whatever reason CarboFix doesn't work for you...

Then all you have to do is contact our support team...

And we'll refund your entire order with no questions asked.

And, it doesn't matter how much you've used.

Our team will take care of you and simply thank you for giving us a try.







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You Also Get Three FREE Bonuses
When You Order Today

Making CarboFix a part of your daily routine is the first step to getting your body back.

However, I want to make sure you have everything you could possibly need to get the extra weight off…

As quickly as possible.

That's why I'm including the following 3 bonuses absolutely free…

...when you pick up your supply of CarboFix today.

However, these bonuses won't be available for long.

I can't even guarantee they'll be here tomorrow…

So make sure you grab them up now or risk missing out forever.

Free Bonus #1

3-Day Rapid Fat Burning Protocol

While you don’t have to change your diet for CarboFix to work, it’s always a good idea to eat healthier.

However, most people think “eating healthy” means bland, boring meals filled with dry chicken breast tasteless veggies and lots of water.

That’s completely not true!

In fact, with this free 3-day protocol…

You get to indulge in DELICIOUS fat-burning meals that taste amazing and melt away your belly fat, plus…

It’s only three days, so you don’t have to overhaul your entire diet forever.

Free Bonus #2

24-Hour Fat-Burning Blueprint

One of the hardest parts about changing your diet is getting started.

It’s so hard!

That’s why I included this 24-hour Fat-Burning Blueprint, because…

All you have to do is make a few simple tweaks for just ONE day…

And you’ll start burning fat and flattening out your belly.

No starving yourself.

No depriving yourself.

And no skipping meals.

This is the fastest and easiest way to jumpstart your metabolism, so you burn more fat around the clock.

Free Bonus #3

30 Slimming Smoothies

I love smoothies because they taste like dessert and you can take them on the go with you.

The problem is…

Most smoothie recipes are just a bunch of kale, spinach and other green vegetables that taste awful.

That’s why I wanted to include my 30 all-time-favorite smoothie recipes that taste incredible…

While melting away fat at the same time.

Don’t worry, these shakes and smoothies are really easy to make…

And after your first one, you’ll be hooked!

You Get All Three Bonuses
Absolutely FREE When You Choose
the 3 or 6 Month Supply Below

I want to make sure you get results that last.

After all, what good is it to lose 10-20 pounds in the first month and then just put it all right back on?

That’s why I always recommend going with the three or six month supply of CarboFix.

That way you’ll be burning fat nonstop for months in a row…

You lock in the highest savings possible…

And you get the three bonuses absolutely FREE to virtually guarantee you’ll be burning more fat than ever before.

So go ahead and choose the six month option below for the most fat-burning and biggest savings…

Or whichever option works best for you.







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You Get To Choose Which Life You Want

Be honest with yourself.

When you look in the mirror a month from now…

What are you going to see?

Are you going to see someone who’s tired…


Run down…


Can’t stand to look at yourself naked…

With flab in all the wrong places?

Or are you going to look at someone who’s finally turned the corner…

Who’s looking younger and more vibrant…

Who’s down 10, 20, even 30 pounds or more…

Smiling from ear to ear…

With a new lease on life.

You Have To Make a Choice
& There Are Only Two Options

Option #1 is you can do nothing at all.

You can ignore everything you learned here today…

And go back to doing things the way you’ve always been doing them.

Which means you’ll get the same results you’ve always gotten.

However, since you’re reading this letter…

I know you want more.

I know you want something better for yourself.

You care…

And that’s a great quality…

But don’t go back to the same routine that obviously hasn’t been working for you.

Or You Can Take The Easy Way Out

You can take advantage of all the hard work I’ve already done…

And use these powerful plant extracts to fire up your mitochondria and your metabolism…

So you burn more fat no matter how old you are or what physical condition you’re in.

All you need is a few seconds in the morning to see amazing, life-changing results.

Nothing ever worked for me before…

So I know how it feels to keep trying one thing after another.

But I can virtually guarantee you’ve never tried anything that address your mitochondria…

Which is the key to having a fast fat-burning metabolism…

So you burn more calories and fat day in and day out.

No diets, workouts or surgeries address this…

Which is why losing weight is always such a struggle.


You Have To Take the First Step

No one else can do it for you.

Just know that we’ll be here to help you every step of the way.

You’re not doing this alone.

There’s a community of over 50,225 women and men who have already gotten amazing results.

You’re next up in line.

It’s your turn.

Put yourself first for once and do something for your health that can change everything.

And remember…

If you aren’t 100% satisfied for any reason…

You’re backed by our 60-day money back guarantee…

So you have nothing to lose…

And everything to gain.







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Frequently Asked Questions

What's CarboFix again?

CarboFix is the breakthrough carb control supplement featuring true cinnamon and other powerful ingredients to prevent weight gain, increase fat loss, and help activate AMPk in the body.

AMPk helps increase metabolism and reduce abdominal fat.

CarboFix is comprised of five unique plant extracts that help activate AMPk, which includes Berberine, True Cinnamon, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Naringin, Benfotiamine, and Chromium.

When can I expect to see results?

Everyone's body is different, so it's hard to say exactly when you'll see results. On average, most women and men see positive results within the first 72 hours.

Whether that's losing those first few pounds, noticing your jeans fitting looser around your waist, having more energy, or just feeling lighter overall.

As with anything, the longer you do it, the better results you'll receive. When you stick with it for 30 days, you'll start looking and feeling like a whole new person.

Within 3 months, your friends may not even recognize you.

And within 6 months, people talk about being a whole new person, who looks, feels and moves like someone half their age.

How do I know if CarboFix is right for me?

That's a great question because CarboFix is definitely not for everyone.

If you have 15 or more pounds to lose and your body seems resistant to diet and exercise…

And if your metabolism seems really slow because you can never lose weight even though you eat pretty healthy…

Then CarboFix is for you.

The odds are, AMPk is not activated inside your body.

That's because it can be blocked by certain carbs, fruits, and even high-sugar vegetables that most people wouldn't suspect.

Luckily, you can turn that around in just a few seconds a day.

How can I place my first order?

Simply choose the package you'd like below. Once you've done that, click the Add to Order button.

You'll be taken to our 100% secure order form. Once you've filled that out, your shipment will be on it's way.

It usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive, depending on your location.

And you'll receive instant access to all the free bonuses, including the 10-Day Fat Flush, the Fat Blasting Smoothie Recipes, and the 24-Hour Fix protocol.

You'll also receive an email with our customer service contact information. That way you can track your order. And you can reach out to us if you have any questions at all.

Remember, I'm here to help you. So please don't hesitate to reach out.







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Is CarboFix gluten free?

Yes. Gluten free. Soy free. Dairy Free. GMO free. No MSG either.

What constitutes as one serving of CarboFix?

One serving of CarboFix is two capsules.

How does your money back guarantee work?

If for whatever reason you're unsatisfied with CarboFix and all the free bonuses…

Simply contact our customer service team and we'll give you a full and prompt refund with no questions asked, once you've returned the bottles. Our Customer service team will direct you on how to do so to make it easy for you.

It's our way of saying thank you for giving CarboFix an honest try.

Will CarboFix work for someone my age?

Yes, CarboFix has worked for women and men in their 40's, 50's, 60's…

And it works especially well for women in their 70's and 80's.

That's because your cells are craving these plant extracts that can't be found in our current food supply.

You can't get Berberine from any fruit or vegetable…

Which is the main activator of AMPk.

In fact, the older you are, the faster it seems to work.

How long will the discounted packages be available?

Honestly, the discounts aren't guaranteed past today.

As we roll out our first large batch of CarboFix, we want to give you the absolute best deal possible.

But we won't be able to do this forever.

Especially with our suppliers and inventory specialists breathing down my neck.

So please take advantage of the discounted rates while you still can.

Because I can't promise they'll be available if you close out of this page and try to come back later.

Simply choose the option that best fits you…

And I'll be waiting on the inside to help you the best I can…

...while your first shipment of CarboFix is on the way.

Take care.







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