How to "Turn On" Your Metabolism To
Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

No Diet or Exercise Required

  • Increases fat-burning
  • Increases weight loss
  • Decreases hunger
  • Increases longevity
  • Supports healthy blood sugar

Doctors Discover New "Protein Enzyme" That Targets Abdominal Fat

While most people think that diet and exercise is the key to healthy weight loss…

A new discovery from a team of doctors and scientists at Salk University in San Diego may provide another answer.

And it starts with a new protein enzyme that targets abdominal fat.

I refer to it as your “metabolism switch”...

But the scientific name for it is AMP-activated protein kinase…

Or AMPk for short.

It’s the genetic master switch that controls your metabolism…

And when it’s activated…

It can speed up your metabolism so your body burns more fat for fuel…

Especially from your belly area.

Now, here’s exactly how it works…

AMPk is an enzyme found in every single one of your cells.

Specifically, AMPk Helps Convert Sugar and Fat Into Energy, While Decreasing Hunger

So not only does it help you burn more abdominal fat…

Your hunger goes down as well.

And how active it is determines your body fat composition.

During their research, scientists found that boosting AMPk resulted in an unexpected benefit…

The reduction of abdominal fat.

And it makes perfect sense.

As We Get Older, Your Cells Produce Less AMPk and Weight Gain Goes Up [1-3]

That’s why it’s so common for women and men to weigh more as they get older.

Your cells are producing less AMPk (if any at all)…

As a result, your metabolism slows down…

And fat production increases.

However, in a human clinical trial published in the journal Obesity...

Researchers activated AMPk using two natural compounds…

And as a result…

Abdominal fat went down by 11%...

Along with a significant reduction in body weight, body fat mass, total abdominal fat and body mass index (BMI) [5].

Which shows just how powerful AMPk is when it’s activated in your body.

That's Why I Created CarboFix

CarboFix Is Packed With 6 Plant Nutrients That Activate AMPk To Target Abdominal Fat

CarboFix is completely different from anything you’ve tried before…

Because it’s the only formula packed with six specific plant nutrients…

That activate AMPk, so your body burns more fat, especially from your belly area…

No matter how old you are.

Every small increase in AMPk production results in a BIG boost in fat burning.

Which is why…

Every Capsule of CarboFix Is Packed With Nutrients Proven To Increase Fat-Burning AMPk


Helps activate AMPk
Reduces body weight [6]
Decreases belly fat

Cinnamon Bark

Helps activate AMPk
Prevents cells from being filled
with fat
Reduces the accumulation of white (jiggly) fat [7]

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Helps activate AMPk in skeletal muscle [8]
Reduces body weight
Increases fatty acid oxidation (fat burning)


Helps activate AMPk in skeletal muscle [8]
Supports healthy blood sugar levels
Reduces food intake, hunger and cravings [9]


Helps activate AMPk
Helps with weight loss [10]
Supports healthy blood sugar levels


Helps activate AMPk
Significantly decreases visceral fat [11]
Supports healthy blood sugar levels


Gluten, Dairy
& Soy Free

100% Pure Plant Ingredients

Clinically Tested

Mixes & Dissolves

Packed With Fat-Burning Ingredients

When You Make The Smart Choice & Choose One of the Multi-Jar Bundles Below You Get 3 FREE Bonuses

FREE Bonus #1:
10-Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet

Normally  $49.95 
Today: FREE

While you don't have to change your diet in order for CarboFix to work…

As a personal nutrition coach, I always recommend it.

That's because I don't just want you to lose a bunch of weight.

I want you to have a strong, healthy heart…

I want you to have healthy cholesterol levels…

And healthy blood pressure...

I want you to have lots of energy…

So you can be around well into your 70's, 80's even your 90's…

To watch your kids and your grandkids blossom.

And nutrition can play a big role in that.

FREE Bonus #2:
24-Hour Fix

Normally  $39.95 
Today: FREE

I don't know about you…

But I'm obsessed with getting FAST results.

That's why my personal clients pay me up to $3,000 a month…

Because after struggling for 5, 10 even 15 or more years…

They were willing to pay a pretty penny to get the fat off NOW.

Especially if they're older…

And their life is literally on the line.

So whenever I personally coach someone new…

We ALWAYS start with this 24-hour protocol.

FREE Bonus #3:
50 Fat-Blasting Red Smoothies

Normally  $29.95 
Today: FREE

Burn more fat with these delicious red smoothies…

That work great as a meal replacement, snack or a tasty dessert.

You can make these fat-burning smoothies right at home…

In less than two minutes…

Using everyday ingredients you already have in your fridge and pantry.

Real People, Real Results

Vickie lost 64 pounds…

Verified Purchase

The deciding factor for me was wanting to be around to see my grandkids grow up. The path I was on wasn't going to get me there, so I decided to try CarboFix. I could feel a difference in the first two days. And from there I've lost 64 pounds. I've even gotten my brother and sister on board!

Vickie V. - Milwauke, WI

Stephen lost 40 pounds and 8 inches

Verified Purchase

The biggest thing for me was being able to look down and see my toes. I can't believe it's been almost 20 years since I've been able to do that. Losing 40 pounds has been great, but the best part is going from a XXL to a Large. It's actually fun to buy new clothes now.

Stephen B. - Sacramento, CA

Samantha melted away 74 pounds and 7 jean sizes

Verified Purchase

I was at the end of my rope. Diet after diet with nothing to show for it. Luckily, my friend at work convinced me to give it one last try. I came across CarboFix online and it just made sense to me. After the first month, I was down 17 pounds. Now, I'm 74 pounds lighter and feel amazing!

Samanta W. - Rochester, NY

Choose the 6 Bottle Bundle Below for the Best Results and Most Savings

Plus 3 FREE Bonuses

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Simply let us know within 60 days and you'll get a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.

And don't worry, this is NOT a membership or subscription program.

You will never automatically be billed, or sent more bottles of CarboFix, unless you come back and place another order.

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Scientific References:

  1. Liu F, Benashski SE, Persky R, et al. Age-related changes in AMP-activated protein kinase after stroke. Age (Dordr). 2012;34(1):157-68.
  2. Salminen A, Kaarniranta K. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) controls the aging process via an integrated signaling network. Ageing Res Rev. 2012;11(2):230-41.
  3. Rojas J, Arraiz N, Aguirre M, et al. AMPK as Target for Intervention in Childhood and Adolescent Obesity. J Obes. 2011;2011:252817.
  4. Fontana L, Hu FB. Optimal body weight for health and longevity: bridging basic, clinical, and population research. Aging Cell. 2014;13(3):391-400.
  5. Park SH, Huh TL, Kim SY, et al. Antiobesity effect of Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract (actiponin): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2014;22(1):63-71.